I was trying to install Movie Maker – one of the components of Microsoft live Essentials 2011 in my Windows 7 box, and got this error:
My troubleshooting steps:
- Install other components of Microsoft Live Essentials 2011 (live messenger) without any problems.
- Google 0x800b010e, no luck. Looks like it is a general error message.
- Google D3DX9. Looks like it is something related to DX9 (DirectX 9)
- Run “dxdiag”. Determine my DirectX version is 11.
- Check Movie Maker System requirements in Microsoft website (bing movie maker 2011): http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=26689
Found this important requirement:
For Photo Gallery and Movie Maker: Some required components of DirectX 9 may be installed for you if they're not already on your computer.
- Find out the DirectX 9 runtime installation in Microsoft.com: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=35. Install the Runtime.
- Reinstall Movie Maker. Problem solved.