I recently upgraded Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCMan) 2.2 to version 2.7. After I fixed the popup window issue (http://andyinmatrix.blogspot.ca/2015/07/how-to-fix-remote-desktop-connection.html), I encountered another even worse issue: the host’s screen doesn’t scale to fit the full size of the local client screen size, which the RDCMan version 2.2 is doing very well. I have to use scroll bars to get the “start” button. This is really annoyed.
A few steps to fix this problem:
Click menu “tool”-> “options”
Click tab “Client Area”. Make sure “Lock window size” is unchecked.
Right click the very top root level of the hosts tree (it is actually your .rdg file name), select “properties”
Click tab “Remote Desktop Settings”; uncheck "Inherit from parent"; check "Same as client area", click ok.
That’s all. Enjoy the full screen. And of course, don’t forget to save your .rdg file.